
We've made changes to the Online Tobacco Register. Find out more

Online registration help

This provides you with help on how to register and update your premises online.
Before you can register a premises you must create an account and provide your personal, contact and company details. Find out more below.

Help with the online registration process

Creating an account

Before you can add your premises you must create an account.

When you create an account you will be asked to provide the following details

  • Personal Details: Your title, First Name and Last name
  • Contact Details: For each company seeking to carry out a tobacco, nicotine vapour product or both business, the registration process needs a person from the company who will fill out the form on behalf of that company. The form is looking for contact details such as title, name, email address, contact phone number.
  • Company Details: The form is looking for the company details of the company seeking to carry out a tobacco, nicotine vapour product or both business. If it is a company rather than a partnership or sole trader then please provide the companies house registration number.
  • Acknowledge Terms and Conditions and Data Protection: The online form does not store any personal data relating to the Data Protection Act. It requires you to consent to the details that you have provided on the form are correct and that this information can be entered into the Register. It also seeks consent that the company or premises is under no ban according to the Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Health (Tobacco, Nicotine, etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016.

Once you have pressed 'Register' you will receive an email to your inbox and you will have to verify your email address. Once verified you will be able to login and add your premises on the Manage Premises page within your account.

Adding your premises

Once you have verified your email address and logged into your account you can add premises on the Manage Premises tab.

You can upload the premises manually individually or by file upload.

Whether done manually or via a file upload, the form is looking for information about EACH PREMISES you are seeking to carry out a business form. That premises may be a fixed business, such as a shop or forecourt garage or hotel. It may be a mobile business.

The form is looking for information about where you operate as well as the size of the floor space of the business. Please also provide information on the type of business the premises carries out such as Supermarket, Convenience Store, Forecourt etc.

If your premise is mobile and is being used for a temporary event, you must delete the Premise when the event is complete. You can do this by logging back in and Updating the Register. You can then go to view Premises and 'Delete' the Premise.

More help about the Upload Premises is available here

Updating your account, contact, company or premises details

You can update any of your account, contact, company or premises details at any time by logging into your account.

To keep the register up to date you are required to notify the Scottish Government of any changes in your particulars such as a change in a person's name or address or the fact that the person is no longer carrying on a business at an address noted in the person's entry in the Register. Please note it is your responsibility to notify Tobacco Control Team that you are no longer selling products that you are required to register for.

Log into your account and you will be taken to your account dashboard. From there you can click the relevant section to update your account, contact and company details.

You can see all of your registered premises in the Manage Premises section.

From here you can update any premises individually by selecting 'Edit'

If you wish to remove a premises you can select 'Delete'.

Please note that if you upload premises using the Upload Tool, then this will overwrite the existing premises.

You can print your updated certificate at any time from the Manage Premises page.

Your certificate

When you have added a new premises your certificate will not be emailed to you, however you can print your certificate at any time whilst logged into your account from the Manage Premises page.

You will have one certificate with all of your registered premises listed on it.

If you update, add or remove a premises from your account you print an updated certificate.

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